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Image of Marisa Ziakas Marisa Ziakas

Marisa Ziakas

Patient Care Coordinator

Marisa Ziakas is our patient care coordinator who will welcome you to our practice and help ensure that you receive the treatments to meet your goals.

Image of Kendra Wakefield Kendra Wakefield

Kendra Wakefield

Patient Care Specialist

Kendra is our skilled Patient Care Specialist at Basile Plastic Surgery in Naples Florida.

Image of Diana Crane Diana Crane

Diana Crane

Medical Electrologist

Certified Medical Electrologist with 14 years of experience.

Image of Alissa Stefanacci Alissa Stefanacci

Alissa Stefanacci

Skin Therapist

Licensed Cosmetologist and Educator, who has been in practice for more than 35 years.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.